Privately Protected Areas (PPAs) are under-represented in national protected area systems and under-reported internationally despite the fact that they are a rapidly growing element of the conservation estate. The Specialist Group on Privately Protected Areas and Nature Stewardship of IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas is working to elevate the recognition, understanding and integrity of private conservation world-wide.
Best Practice Guidelines
The IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) has produced Guidelines for Privately Protected Areas produced by the IUCN WCPA Specialist Group on Privately Protected Areas and Nature Stewardship, with many contributors from many nations and cultures. These Guidelines provide illustration from field experience on how best to manage, govern, evaluate and conserve privately protected areas globally. The guidelines are part of the IUCN WCPA Best Practice Protected Areas Guidelines. See the Guidelines page for details.
The IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) has produced Guidelines for Privately Protected Areas produced by the IUCN WCPA Specialist Group on Privately Protected Areas and Nature Stewardship, with many contributors from many nations and cultures. These Guidelines provide illustration from field experience on how best to manage, govern, evaluate and conserve privately protected areas globally. The guidelines are part of the IUCN WCPA Best Practice Protected Areas Guidelines. See the Guidelines page for details.
Maintenant Disponible en Français!!
Lignes directrices pour les aires protégés à governance privée
L'UICN lance un guide en français pour renforcer le rôle des aires protégées privées (APP) dans la conservation de la nature
La version français du Guide Lignes directrices pour les airesprotégés à gouvernance privée, n 29 de la série de lignes directrices de l'UICN sur les bonnes pratiques dans les aires protégées, qui examine une série de bonnes pratiques pour établir des APP et assurer une véritable conservation à long terme grâce à des lignes directrices qui unifient les critères et améliorent les normes de conservation.
¡Ahora Disponible en Español!
Directrices para áreas bajo protección privada
UICN lanza guía en español para potenciar el rol de las áreas bajo protección privada (APPs) en la conservación de la naturaleza
En el III Congreso de Áreas Protegidas de América Latina y el Caribe de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) realizado en Lima, Perú, se lanzó la versión en español de la guía Directrices para áreas bajo protección privada, No.29 de la Serie de Directrices sobre Buenas Prácticas en Áreas Protegidas de la CMAP UICN que considera una serie de buenas prácticas para establecer APPs y asegurar la real conservación a largo plazo a través de lineamientos que permiten unificar criterios y mejorar los estándares de conservación.
Produced by Nicole Ellena of MVMT
A privately protected area is a protected area, as defined by IUCN, under private governance (i.e. individuals and groups of individuals); non-governmental organizations (NGOs); corporations (both existing commercial companies and sometimes corporations set up by groups of private owners to manage groups of PPAs); for-profit owners; research entities (e.g. universities, field stations) or religious entities.
We define stewardship as efforts to create, nurture & enable responsibility in landowners and resource users to manage and protect natural and cultural resources.
We define stewardship as efforts to create, nurture & enable responsibility in landowners and resource users to manage and protect natural and cultural resources.